The store brand queen bites the dust

Oh my , school starts in a week. School supplies need to be bought. You look for the lists and find one under a pile of shoes, one on a paper plate with a banana peel and the Kindergarteners came in the mail in an envelope that exploded with glitter when opened. Its off to the store. The kids are at grandmas and you don’t want them with you anyway. They will want the unicorn folders and the mechanical pencils. You are the queen of store brands. Upon arriving at Cheapmart you load up the cart with all the store brands and save a ton of money.

Upon arriving home you load up the $3 backpacks for the progeny. They look at them and fuss about all the other kids having better stuff. You mutter something about friends and bridges and move on.

Fast forward a few weeks. The bus screeches to a halt and 2 bubbly girls rush through the door followed by their angry faced brother who walks in and hurls a bunch of pencils at the wall. He screams,”That old bag of a teacher wants perfect penmanship. She fussed at me for holding the pencil wrong and its not my fault, These cheap pencils are crooked” He then promptly picks them up, tosses them in the garbage and heads to his room. What in the world you think. You pick up a pencil and look at it. Really, he is right the granite is not in the middle and when sharpened the pencil can only be held one way or it won’t write. Some time later one of the bubbly girls comes home and pulls her markers from her uncool backpack and says Mom I need more markers. These are all out of ink. The teacher says that happens with the off brands. Now its time for the teacher conference with the princess’ teacher. She is a booger and you don’t know what to expect. The report is glowing and you wonder if the teacher has her confused with the other Fern in the class. But no, the only problem she is having is cutting. You tell her you have been practicing at home , but she just doesn’t seem to have the hang of it. Do you thing she has a small motor deficiency? The teacher assures you that she does not. She tells you that she thinks it may be the scissors. She says that Fiskars are the only ones that work at all for littles, especially south paws like yours. They cut with either hand and do not have to be held perpendicular to the paper. You  walk out with a sheepish expression and on the way home you stop for pencils, scissors, and crayons, all name brand. It hurts your wallet, but you now understand the purpose of the teacher asking for specific brands. They are not on  the payroll of name brand companies, they just know what works. So name brands it will be, in $3 Cheapmart backpacks.


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